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This Was the Biggest Support Throughout My Journey

Credit: TARA TOM
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While on my healing journey I would sometimes hit extremely low points which would be so challenging. There were many times where I just wanted to give up and basically throw in the towel and stop EVERYTHING.

As much as I wanted to quit, I knew that there were only two choices. One was to quit, go to the doctor, become a lab rat, and take medication. Or two…pick myself back up, find the drive and continue on the path toward healing. Having had many years of experience being poked and tested, I knew in my heart that second one was the better choice.

Finding the Motivation

With that choice in mind I would always go back and read over the Medical Medium books, his blog posts, and listen to his radio shows once again. I would refresh my memory on the root cause of my issues, the reasons for me experiencing symptoms, and review what I could do to heal. This simple act ALWAYS restored hope. What I have come to realize is that KNOWLEDGE gives us the strength and the drive. It empowered me, it left me feeling inspired, and it built self compassion. Compassion as I have learned from the Anthony William is what will provide PEACE during challenging times.

Are You Feeling Lost?

Do you feel defeated? Have you lost the drive to continue? If yes, I highly recommend taking some time to deepen your knowledge. Surround yourself in the information that started you on this path in the first place. Maybe even engage with others in the Medical Medium community.

Also if you feel like you have already read it and know everything there is to know…trust me, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. There’s so much information that it would be truly miraculous if you were able to read it once and retain all of it. I know for myself that I’ve learned something new everytime.

Okay to sum it up, here are the things that helped me to keep on fighting this fight even though at times I have felt like giving up:

You got this and I know you can do this!!! I have FAITH in YOU!!!

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  1. Thank You soo much. I’m been following you on instagram for a long time . Hope too heal after years with suffering. I’m learning a lot from you fantastic Lady. Sending You lots of Love from Mona i Norway😍🌿❄👏

  2. Love this!! Thank you for sharing your story- it exactly how I feel during my healing journey…. Life is not easy and unpredictable- and only hope and love helps all the way to stay strong and positive, to feel special and to know that you are not along and all will be just fine!! 🤗

  3. Hi! I’m a Spanish girl, so excuse me for my English.

    I love your blog and your youtube channel, all the work you are putting in both of them is incredible, you are helping so many people! I am 20 years old and I have been suffering for about 7 or 8 years with eczema, soriasis and acne, so, last year I went on a plant-based diet, and recently I have cut out all fats from my diet, and you are being such an incredible inspiration for me and for me healing journey, I am so grateful to you.

    I just would like to answer you a question that I couldn’t be able to find anywhere, when cutting out all the fats form the diet is it necessary to cut out legumes too? because I hae read so many recipesincluding lentils, which are also very rich in iron, and sometimes I get worried of not be getting enough iron in my body. I know you are very busy and you dont have to answer, I’m sure that the answer is already in Medical Medium’s information, I just haven’t found it yet.

    Thank you very much for all that you are doing for us, and for all your love and empathy.

    Sending you lots of love from Spain.

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