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Is It Normal to Get More Flareups Before Healing?

Credit: TARA TOM
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A flareup is one of the most itchy, painful, and uncomfortable symptom. It can be even be more devestating when a flareup occurs just when you are beginning to incorporate all the healing recommendations from Medical Medium into your life. Every time that would happen to me it literally broke my heart. I would automatically think…okay what did I eat to cause this? Or is it something new that I incorporated that caused me to flareup?

My Mind Would Spiral Out of Control

The answer to that question would be: Everything because it was all new. So normally I would look at all the new things I added. I would be suspicious of every healing fruits and vegetables, the heavy metal detox smoothie, celery juice, and all the new supplements recommended by Medical Medium. Not knowing the truth I would have blamed all of those things as the cause of my flareup. My conclusion would be based simply on the fact that I didn’t have flareups before incorporating any of those things.

But this time around things were different. After listening to the Medical Medium radio show on eczema I learned that eczema had a cycle. He shared information on how the skin would flareup, then heal, flareup again, then heal once more, slowly decreasing in intensity and occurring further and further apart.

The Flareup Cycle

Medical Medium also wrote a detailed explanation about this cycle in his book titled Liver Rescue. In there he explains, that as the skin purges these dermatoxins, another round of them are being produced inside the liver. So if we don’t clean out the liver of the pathogen and the copper, it will not stop the production of these dermatoxins. Meaning just as you see your skin heal, it will resurface once again, usually in about six weeks. (all information is sourced from Liver Rescue book by Anthony William)

Having this understanding really helped me to accept what was happening. I also felt confidant in proceeding and continuing with this process. This was unlike any previous diet, program, or cream I have tried. This time things are different as I was more prepared. I knew what I to expect while my body was healing. Which eliminated all the wondering, the confusion, or the need to try and figure out the reason for flareups happening. This information created a strong foundation of understanding, and it prepared me to become the expert of my own health.

That my friends is PRICELESS!

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  1. Thank you for all of your great information. I’m learning so much from you and Medical Medium. I’m curious if you used topical steroids before implementing the MM protocol, and if so, how and when did you stop? I know I need to, but my hand and neck eczema can get so out of control.

    1. Awww thank you for being here! I did use them but I stopped cold turkey earlier in my teens way before implementing the MM protocols.

  2. How long do you took to prevent your skin flare up again? Because I am going the protocol for five mth, but my skin still keep flaring 😥

    1. Me too Wendy! Been drinking celery juice and eating clean for 5 mo to no avail. I gave up for two months prior and it got worse so I’m back in for 5, hopefully 7 more to go! Let’s keep on keeping on !

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your healing journey. I am currently having flareup around my neck just like the one from your photos. It’s very itchy and really uncomfortable. It’s been happening since I finished 6 rounds of 369 cleanse. Now, I even have rashes that I never had before on both arms like little bumps and very itchy. It will go away in 1-2 hours and then it will appears again same time next day. I also tried to blame the heavy metal detox or the spinach soup. Then, I read your blog and know that this is part of the healing journey. Recently, I have lots of stress at work and I am about to quit my job next week. This is also part of the reason that my rashes become worse. Hope you can give me some of your advice. Really appreciated everything you do to share your journey 🙂

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