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Round 3 of Medical Medium Cleanse

Credit: TARA TOM
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Round 3…..Ahhhhhhh! I’m super excited to share this review with all of you because it was a huge pivotable moment in my healing journey. I finished round 2 of the Medical Medium 28 Day Healing Cleanse and reverted back to my so called “normal” diet. Which meant I introduced meat back into my diet but after about a month my body did not react well to the increased intake of fat.

In my head I thought that 2 rounds of the cleanse would have been enough. Little did I know I was only in the beginning stages of healing. My stomach started to really bother me again. I also began to experience extreme bloating. It was so bad that I had to eat smaller amounts of food because my stomach was having such a hard time digesting. Feeling defeated I made the decision to dive in and completely follow the 28 Day Healing Cleanse with no modifications.

Round 3 Plan

I basically followed the book and this is what I did for round 3:
-Removed all forbidden foods that were listed in the Medical Medium book
-Drank 16 ounces of celery juice every morning on an empty stomach
-Breakfast: Papaya or Apple
-Lunch: Fruit smoothie that had healing foods like wild blueberries, raspberries, barley grass juice powder, and wheatgrass
-Afternoon Snack: Green Juice
-Dinner: Blanched vegetables with a small bowl of rice mixed with cilantro and dulse. The vegetables I ate were either spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts or asparagus. I would eat them plain or I drizzled a little bit of my homemade tahini-raw honey dressing on it. My body just couldn’t adjust its’ temperature and I was always feeling cold. This was the reason I decided to incorporate a warm meal in the evening.

Review of Round 3

Round 3 made me realize that I needed to do a ton of detoxing and that I am literally only at the very beginning of my healing journey. So even though I ate clean for the last 2 months, I still was experiencing many challenges.

Here were the challenges I faced in this round:
-I felt extremely cold, more like FREEZING…. all the time
-I had bloating in the stomach, fortunatly it wasn’t as bad as round 2
-I still experienced digestion issues
-still had an eczema flare up but it was less intense as the previous ones
-my skin was still so very dry
-and I was on an emotional roller coaster the entire month

Regardless of the challenges, overall I felt like things were slowly starting to turn around. I began to finally feel like I got a full 8 hours of rest and I also experienced little moments where my energy returned. I know….these may seem like small positives but it was the first time my health was showing any signs of improvement. So for me this gave me a sense of hope. It was real and solid proof that made me feel like I was moving forward towards healing. You have no idea how excited I am and I am so looking forward to seeing what the future holds!!! Hope you will join me as I continue to embark on my journey to healing.

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One Comment

  1. Hi Tara, thanks for telling us about your journey😊 I am trying to heal my eczema, acne and possible EBV, along with my adrenals, I am on day 26 of the cleanse, and have cut out avocado and salt for the last week which makes it challenging but 2 days left! My husband is doing it with me and he cannot wait to have meat while I just want a potato lol. I’m so happy that you are finally getting some life changing results, as far as the bloating and gas, I realized my stomach couldn’t handle a full 16oz of celery juice especially if I had a raw meal after. And this was before I went into the strict cleanse, I started doing the celery juice first thing in the morning and tried switching out 2 of my meals a day for raw meals, and added in more fruits. I did this for a couple months but before the cleanse I ate whatever I wanted right up until the day before, so day 1 was a bit rough. Back to the celery juice lol, so I decreased it and have now worked my way up to about 12oz, when I’m home I drink more because it’s too uncomfortable at work, for the cleanse I decided to do the lemon water with honey first thing in the morning, wait 15mins then do the celery juice and that also have helped. Switching to the lemon water first also helped with feeling cold, but I can’t wait for some warming veggies. I plan to limit meats and fats to continue with my healing, thanks for all the info and good Luck!

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